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Kids Purple Unicorns


Satin Bonnets are a staple in healthy hair care. Bonnets can be used for many types of hairstyles. Our bonnets have an added drawstring to get the most comfortable and lasting fit.

Kids Purple Unicorns

Little Black Girl Hairstyles.jpg
Little Black Girl Hairstyles.jpg

Kids Purple Unicorns

Sale Price:$14.99 Original Price:$29.99

For worry-free healthier hair!

Our international best seller since 2011! Moms love that our Kids Bonnet stays on all night and has lots of room to grow into. Our ribbon tie gives added security. Hair is protected by our premium satin lining with a cool cotton exterior.

Sizing*: Our Kids Bonnet is adjustable to any head size using the ribbon tie so it will grow from baby to big kids.

Made in the USA

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