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Gray Caramel


Satin Bonnets are a staple in healthy hair care. Bonnets can be used for many types of hairstyles. Our bonnets have an added drawstring to get the most comfortable and lasting fit.

Gray Caramel

Sensationnel Empire Human Hair Weave BOHEMIAN 10_14 Inch.jpg
Sensationnel Empire Human Hair Weave BOHEMIAN 10_14 Inch.jpg

Gray Caramel


For worry-free healthier hair!

Our Reversible Bonnet is like having two bonnets in one!

- Enjoy the luxurious benefits of satin including retaining hair’s moisture, reduce tangling and breakage.

-Added drawstring along with our elastic for a more lasting fit. Tie the string to your desired comfort and tuck it inside your bonnet.

- Holds more hair! Bigger sized bonnet for bigger hair.

- The perfect bonnet for your textured or straight hair.

-Made of the highest quality silky satin charmeuse to keep your hair moisturized, tangle and frizz-free.

-The enclosed elastic helps prevent breakage around hairline.

SIZING*: Appx 28 inches in diameter- Reversible Bonnet fits more hair than our Diva Bonnet. Fits from short to longer hair lengths including braids and extensions.

-Machine washable.

- Made in the USA of top quality materials.

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