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Mini Black

Wrap Caps

Mini Black

Outre Velvet Remi Tara 1 Inches, 2 Inches, 3 Inches.jpg
Outre Velvet Remi Tara 1 Inches, 2 Inches, 3 Inches.jpg

Mini Black


For longer lasting hairstyle & preventing breakage

If you have a hard time keeping your hairstyle looking fresh from the salon, then our Luxe Diva Wrap Cap is your solution. In one simple step our premium quality cap protects and keeps hair in place- without slipping off!

This Mini size is narrow and great for very short hair or as a headband for exercising. Our Satin Diva Wrap is made with multiple layers of premium satin charmeuse fabric. Flexible fit with adjustable velcro to keep firmly in place. 3.5 inches wide and fits head circumference up to 23 inches. (Also available in regular size -5 inches wide-for longer hair)

Perfect for:

- keeping short cuts, blow outs, silk wraps

-smoothing edges

- preventing hair breakage by helping to retain hair’s moisture

Try our premium wrap caps and you’ll never go back to beauty supply wrap caps.

  • Satin Charmeuse Fabric

  • Machine washable

Made in the USA

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